Wallet Repair

In certain circumstances there may be a need to repair your wallet, i.e. to rescan the blockchain so that transactions that are missing from your wallet become visible. These tools are available in both the QT and electron wallets.

Backup your wallet.dat file before using these tools

QT Wallet

Tools > Wallet Repair


Tools & info > Wallet Repair

Salvage wallet

With this option you can attempt to recover private keys from a corrupt client on system startup. (This can also be achieved in the RPC CLI Tool with -salvage wallet)

Rescan Blockchain

Rescan the blockchain for missing wallet transactions. (This can also be achieved in the RPC CLI Tool with -rescan)

Recover Transactions (1)

This deletes all the client wallet transactions and only recovers those parts of the blockchain through -rescan on startup - keeps TX metadata e.g. account owner & payment request information (This can also be achieved in the RPC CLI Tool with -zapwalletxes1)

Recover Transactions (2)

This function deletes all the client wallet transactions and only recovers those parts of the blockchain through -rescan on startup - drops TX metadata (This can also be achieved in the RPC CLI Tool with -zapwalletxes2)

Upgrade wallet

This upgrades the client wallet to the latest format on startup (This can also be achieved in the RPC CLI Tool with -upgradewallet)

Rebuild index

When using this option, the client wallet will rebuild the blockchain index and transactions from the local blockchain files - it will not download data and synchronise the entire chain (This can also be achieved in the RPC CLI Tool with -reindex)

Delete Block Chain

After selecting this function, the client wallet will delete the local blockchain files and resynchronize from scratch, downloading the blockchain again and synchronizing the transactions. (This can also be achieved in the RPC CLI Tool with -resync)

Last updated